Entry Confirmation - Please review the following information

Horse Information
Name: September Dawn Height: 14.1 Birth Country:
Breed: Morgan Cross Sire: Year of Birth: 2004
Sex: Mare Dam: Breeder:
Color: Chesnut Dams Sire: Passport #:

Information Horse Rider Owner Trainer Coach
Name: Kaelyn Cooper Kaelyn Cooper JENNIFER COOPER Kara Riley-King
Address: 211 Pickpocket Rd 211 Pickpocket Rd 211 Pickpocket Rd 73 Middle Road
City/St/Zip: Brentwood, NH 03833-6407 Brentwood, NH 03833-6407 Brentwood, NH 03833-6407 Brentwood, NH 03833
Country: usa usa usa usa
Telephone: 7202564769 7202564769 7202564769 978-337-0627
E-mail: jencooper75@gmail.com jencooper75@gmail.com jencooper75@gmail.com kara@seastarstable.com
Citizenship: usa usa
Rider Status: JR/YR
Need Safe Sport: No No No No
Need Signature: No No No No
Need Coggins: No
Need Vaccines: No
Need Parent Signature: No

Need List

Class Day Class Name Test Name Qual/Div Need FS Doc Amount
12 Sunday USEF Training Level, Test 2 USEF Training Level, Test 2 2023 No No $ 30.00
14 Sunday USEF Training Level, Test 3 USEF Training Level, Test 3 2023 No No $ 30.00

Stable Fees Rate Quantity Amount

Other Fees Rate Quantity Amount
Processing Fee $ 20.00 1 $ 20.00

Payments Amount
Paypal $ 80.00

Class Total Stable Fees Other Fees Total Fees Payments Amount Due
$ 60.00 $ 0.00 $ 20.00 $ 80.00 $ 80.00 $ 0.00

Complete entries must include NHDEA waiver and 12-month coggins!

User Date / Time Notes
Secretary 5/31/2023 5:59:47 AM UPLOADED:
Entrant 5/31/2023 6:19:55 AM ACCEPTED:

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